How To Compose A Strong Personal Narrative Essay: Quick Tips

A narrative essay can be complex considering how detailed it must be. It is best – but not required – to use a personal experience because all of the information comes from you. It will make your essay stronger as well as give it a personal touch. It's a way to show your talent and unique writing style.

You want the readers to be able to connect with your story and its characters. You can choose any event or memory that you're fond of, or one that's had the most impact on you. Whatever you choose, remember that a narrative essay requires you to imply a lesson.

Here are some quick tips to get you started!

  • Choose a topic you enjoy.
  • Being interested in your own subject will help when you're trying to make it seem equally interesting to others.

  • Introducing your story.
  • This is basically a brief summary of your essay. You want to introduce the plot and your central characters. You can also give some indication of the lesson in the story, or why it's significant.

  • Think about your audience.
  • The readers only know what you tell them, so keep them in mind. Be careful not to leave out any important points or details.

  • Focus on the senses.
  • Instead of merely stating that someone felt angry or sad, describe what those emotions feel like. You can describe touch, smell, sight or sound.

  • Be descriptive, but stay on point.
  • Don't do anything that will distract your readers from the theme of your story. You shouldn't include anything that isn't absolutely necessary. Sometimes giving too much information can hurt the essay rather than help it.

  • Write the first paragraph last.
  • Completing your essay before writing your introduction can be extremely helpful, since you will have all the information mapped out for you. If the rest of your essay is finished before you begin your introduction, you will have a better understanding of it, and how to summarize the events.

  • Read and revise.
  • Read your essay and make sure that everything makes sense, and that all of your requirements are met. If you're not confident that you can find any mistakes yourself, you can ask a friend or family member to check it for you. It can help to have a second opinion on something, and we often can't see our own writing mistakes until they are pointed out to us.


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