Useful Tips On How To Write A Thesis For A Comparative Essay

The basis of a comparative essay is to compare and contrast two items or concepts. You will want to make sure that your paper is clear and that your tone asserts the research that you have done on the topic that you chose. There are some tips that might help you to write your paper more fluidly.

  • Create your frame of reference and stay within it. Choose sources that stay within this umbrella and try not to rely too heavily on your own observations.
  • Describe why you are choosing these ideas for comparison. For an example, if you choose to compare and contrast soccer balls and tennis balls, you will want to be clear on why you chose these specific balls and no other types.
  • Be bold in your opinion. Let your voice be heard. You want your stand on the matter to be definite and clear, and your research to show. This is not the place to leave your audience guessing.
  • Make the categories that you will be addressing known and clear. Align what you will talk about and how you will talk about it. In essence, you want them to get a taste of how the paper will flow and how your ideas will be expressed.
  • Keep it in order with how you will outline your paper. If your paper is going to reflect a chronological order, then your thesis needs also to reflect this order.

Above all, you want your project to reflect your ideas and your work. Starting at the very beginning it should be completely original. You should not try to take anyone word for anything, you want to research your own ideas. The more research you do, the easier it will be to write.

Remember that when you sit down to write, this is your project. That means you want your voice to be strong from the beginning right to the very end. You want to grab your reader’s attention and show them why you see things the way that you do. Writing is not always the easiest thing to do, but in life it will not be the hardest. Take your time; focus on the task at hand, and more than anything else: have fun and enjoy learning all that you can about your topic. Your enjoyment will show through your entire project and make it even more fun to read.


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