How To Write The Conclusion Paragraph Of A Comparison Essay

Without question, so much is ready to be won or lost in writing a conclusion. After all, this is your final chance to convince readers to your perspective, to blow away yourself upon them as a smart thinker and as an outstanding writer. Take note that the impact you create in your conclusion will mold the image that remains with your readers after they have finished reading the paper.

Essentially, the end part of the essay must hence transmit a sense of ending, completeness and of course a sense of the deep-seated possibilities of the subject matter, its larger context and its implications which simply means that the last paragraph must end the discourse without deterring it.

A comparison essay asks the writer to make a comparison of at least two or probably more items. Such items will vary hinging on the assigned task. When writing a conclusion for your comparative essay, you must take note of the following:

Be reminded that these are just a few of the things you might add in your concluding paragraphs. In truth, there are some things that you can really do and you absolutely do not prefer to do all these things. Please be guided that these are merely suggestions:

  • Evoke a clear image
  • Add a succinct recap of the thesis’ main points
  • Use a quotation
  • End with a warning
  • Ask a provocative question
  • Suggest consequences or outcomes
  • Call for some sort of action
  • Generalize or compare to other situations

What is the Scope of a Conclusion?

The conclusion should not contain much more than re-affirmed author’s brief perspective and thesis statement. In like manner, it must not be a place where new information or data irrelevant to the subject matter is presented.

It is worth mentioning that all data must be contained within the introduction and the body of the essay. Meanwhile, the scope of the conclusion must be restricted to what has already been stated in the paper. Generally, the conclusion will finish with the point of view of the author.

It is essential to think of a concluding paragraph as the bow on a gorgeously wrapped present. It ties together and beautifully presents your written discourse as a close-knit and refined whole. This part must succinctly recap everything you discussed in your thesis. Likewise, it should finish with a verbal flourish or finish provocatively. For sure, you can hit your dissertation out of the park with a wonderful ending.


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